
Creating a Vision Board 2020

Wow. Another year has already passed. It basically flew by. Yes, there were times when time seemed to crawl by, but overall a VERY quick year. It is true that time seems to go by faster the older you get. Add having children and just FORGET ABOUT IT.

Thinking back on this past year I have accomplished so much. I think the best highlights are:

  • Started my own Traveling Vineyard Wine Guide business
  • Grew my “tribe” – mamas, yes, we do indeed still need social lives!
  • I began making time for my husband and me again. Just us.
  • Took time for some self-care. I actually got a haircut this year. WHAT?!
  • Continued my blog (I will admit it took the backburner though)

Then to think that a decade has gone by… just mind-blowing. This decade brought me my wonderful husband, we bought our first home then moved to a bigger home for our growing family, and my two beautiful wonderful pain in the behind children. Sure there were struggles, sadness, frustration, and heartbreak, but it brought me here. This is exactly where I want to be.

I want this decade to be the “roaring 20s” for my family and me! By that I mean goal achieving, adventure having, kicking our jobs’ butts and full of love and positivity. To begin this grand decade I am going to focus on my goals for this year. Vision boards have been popping up all over the place and I have decided to hop on that train with everyone else.

This will be printed out and posted in my office for me to see EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

As I usually do with everything, I did my due diligence and did research on what a Vision Board really is and how to utilize it properly. The thing that stuck out to me the most was: Don’t overwhelm yourself. There should be between five and ten items on your board.

You should look at your board and know exactly what you are going to accomplish this year.

There are two ways to help you narrow down the things that will go on your board.

  1. Choose ONE word to describe your year and what you hope to accomplish. Mine is: FOCUS
  2. Make a list of ALL your goals. Don’t think of these as resolutions. Most people give those up within the first two weeks of the year. A goal is something that ebbs and flows as you reach it. There will ALWAYS be ups and downs on the way there.

Now for the list; I felt the best way to do this was to sit down and just start writing down every goal I wanted to accomplish this year. If it helps, put on some music and listen to a couple of songs. Something you have heard before and can just be on in the background. Just sit there and let ideas flow out of you. It should not take more than two songs to finish your list. After that, you are just thinking too hard about it.

Once you have your grand list start grouping together like items. For example: Eat better, exercise more, improve mental health. These are all like items because they all about improving your overall health. Once you do this the list will be much easier to swallow.

If you still have too many items (then you are much more ambitious than me, haha) think about the overall picture of how you want your year to be. What is your MAIN goal? What word did you choose for the year? Do all these items fit that goal? If not, strike it out.

Now here’s the best part. Make it a visual list! Make sure to pick out pictures that strike an emotion with you and the corresponding goal. You can create this digitally like me or get some poster board and cut out magazines, draw, and just create! I love crafts, so I will probably make a paper one as well 🙂

Each picture should have one or so words to coincide with it. These should be powerful and meaningful to you. Positive affirmations and your favorite quotes are great to add too. Just don’t make it too wordy. You should look at your board (without having to read paragraphs) and know exactly what you are going to accomplish this year.

Now place this somewhere that you will see it every day, but not completely out in the open. These are your personal dreams after all! In order for a Vision Board to truly work you need to be immersed in your inspiration daily. Your brain will subconsciously memorize these goals/dreams. Of course, it takes a little more than that, but that is the first stepping stone to reaching your goals. I will touch more on the steps beyond the vision board later.

My goals are an extension of my accomplishments of 2019. FOCUS is my goal. Every one of my goals and dreams requires focus and I believe I have lost my sense of focus in the last few years. It is time to take that back! Here is the breakdown of my goals this year:

  • Set a CLEAR focus/theme for my blog. It’s not that my blog completely lacks focus. It’s just that I want to tighten it up a bit and create a brand for myself.
  • Grow my Wine Guide business. This isn’t just for the financial reward, but for the “adult time” I get. I love my children, but mama needs her own away time sometimes! I also really believe in this company and I LOVE wine, so gaining more wine knowledge is never a bad thing!
  • Reconnect with my husband. We have been so incredibly busy with the kids and family matters that we have lost a little bit of that connection/romance because we have not had much alone time. Time for more date nights and focus on our relationship!
  • Declutter. It is time to focus on what really matters in life. Tip: It is not the things we own!
  • Be more health-conscious. This isn’t just for myself, but for my whole family. I am talking about overall health. Mind and body. Healthier meals, family outings that involve physical activity, and making sure everyone’s mental health is in check.
  • Focus more on self-care. By the end of last year, I was getting better about this. It is hard as a parent to put yourself first. To have a happy family, there needs to be happy parents!
  • Build up my friendships. Both old and new. I have been lucky to have met some wonderful mamas this past year. A mom tribe is a MUST. It really does take a village.
  • Lastly, I have BIG project I have been holding back on due to lack of confidence, knowledge and time. This will be my biggest focus of the year. It will take a lot of work and support from family and friends. This is my year to set this project in motion!

What are your goals for the year? I would love to see your Vision Boards!!

Blogger Bree

Born and raised in central Florida. I have always had a love for food and I love to host. Family is the most important thing to me in the world.

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