Lifestyle Mental Health

A Thank You to the Loved Ones of Those with Anxiety and Depression

Today is World Mental Health Day. I figured this is as good as a time as any to dive into the subject of mental health. If you have read my “about me” section or follow my Instagram you know that I have dealt with anxiety almost my whole life.

I just read a little blurb to stop saying sorry and to start saying thank you in your everyday life. This concept really got me thinking about how many times I have said sorry to people around me for anything regarding my anxiety. This is not to say that I am not sorry for some of my actions, but to show appreciation for those people that support me and love me in my life.

Why should I keep saying sorry for something that (a good portion of the time) I have little control over? Before you roll your eyes and say, “Well take some action then!”: NO, I DO NOT let my anxiety control me. I am 99% positive if you ask anyone that knows me they will say I can power through the worst of it. People that I am just acquaintances with would probably not even realize I still struggle VERY often or even know I suffer from anxiety at all. That is because of all the tips, tricks and coping mechanisms I have learned along the way. I am one of the lucky ones that happens to have a HUGE AMAZING support system.

Do I say sorry because there is still a stigma surrounding mental illness? That is most likely the brunt of it. Well, that and anyone with anxiety can tell you that guilt is a feeling you have regularly.

The title of this post just mentions anxiety and depression, but this can apply to anyone with a mental illness.

It is time to flip the script and thank all of those who have been there for me through all of it. And by all of it I mean:

  • Thank you for understanding when you don’t hear from me for a while without explanation.
  • Thank you for understanding that when I do make plans that I may cancel them. On the flip side, if I do show up, it may take me a little bit to warm up and get past my anxiousness.
  • Thank you for sticking by me if I snap at you. That anger should not be directed at you.
  • Thank you for not being annoyed when I complain about how bad I am feeling.
  • Thank you for helping me out when I refuse to ask for help.
  • Thank you for finding ways to distract me when my panic is at an all-time high. It is EXTREMELY helpful. Just the simplest thing like putting together a Lego set, asking me to help you meal plan for the week, etc. gets my mind focused on something else.
  • Thank you for understanding that I can go weeks feeling pretty much fine, then be down for the count for weeks as well.
  • Thank you for asking me how I am doing.
  • Thank you for knowing when I just need some space to recoup after a big event.

There are not enough thank yous that I can say to all the people in my life who love and support me. The list could go on and on. I know that anxiety is a hard concept for some people to grasp. To those people that don’t understand, but are still there for someone who struggles, thank you!

These next two graphics I found on a mom group I am a part of today, which really gives me hope that (at least in my area) there can be open conversations about mental health. Give these a read because it touches on what I just briefly talked about perfectly. Also, I now follow @thepsychologymum on Instagram 😛 and you should too!

To anyone that is struggling, has struggled, or has questions at all please feel free to reach out to me! I am nowhere near the point of figuring this all out, but that is because mental health is so complex. EVERYONE needs a support system!

Love to you all!

Blogger Bree

Born and raised in central Florida. I have always had a love for food and I love to host. Family is the most important thing to me in the world.

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