Make sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook for more content that won’t be found on the blog.

I am a born and raised second-generation Floridian who is proud to call herself a goober. I am married to a New Jersey Devils and Lego-loving man, Kyle. We have two little kiddos, a girl and a boy. I am the ring leader of our life of (semi) controlled chaos.

There were a few reasons I wanted to start a blog.

First off, I wanted to share my recipes. I love cooking with my family and friends and thought, “Hey, why not share and cook with the world?”.

Then I thought, what else could I do to leave the tiniest impact on the world? I can share my story and struggle with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). Since I have dealt with this issue for so long I have plenty of tips, tricks, and advice that I’m sure could help someone! I have struggled with GAD since I was a child. This has never held me back and I want other people who struggle with this or any other type of mental health struggle to NEVER feel alone. I will share what tips and tricks have worked for me and what foods I limit or what specific ones have helped me.

My final reason is to honestly plain ol’ connect with people. As a stay-at-home mom, it can feel a little secluded. I have always been a very social person so connecting with an online community has been great!

Growing up we did not eat out much. My parents did a lot of cooking. I am very grateful for that because I would not have the love for cooking that I do now if it wasn’t for them. I would rather stay in and cook my meals nine times out of ten. I find it relaxing and fun to think up new ideas and try out new recipes.

I have always enjoyed testing out new recipes and then adjusting them to make them even better than before. Most of my inspiration comes from my collection of cookbooks, family recipes, and ideas from Pinterest.

Leftovers: I love them. Not just because they are delicious, but because I can reinvent them into something new. I can thank my dad for teaching me that skill. Thanks, Dad!

You won’t find many complicated recipes here. What you will find are meals and baked goods that you will have fun sharing with your friends and family.  While I do the stay-at-home mom thing, I also co-lead a Girl Scout Troop and am involved in PTO. I understand the time crunch families are under and how important each precious moment is.

Make sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook as I do update those most often!